NYSGA Amateur Series (CC of Troy) Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Tue, September 4

Country Club of Troy - Archived on 08-04-2020
Time Hole Players
Country Club of Troy - Archived on 08-04-2020
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Addy, Jack (10.6) Western Turnpike Golf Club
10:00 AM 11A Gold-M Bordis, Jim + Giuffre, Gus + Sherer, Gregory
Amyot, Tom (21.6) Town of Colonie Golf Club
10:00 AM 6 Gold-M Menzel, terrill + Rogers, Geoff + Wilkes, Paul
Anzalone, Ron (11.2) Stadium Golf Club
10:00 AM 17B Gold-M Ernst, John + Hatch, Robert + Moore, Kevin
Bailey, Doug (6.4) Normanside Country Club
10:00 AM 17A Gold-M Hoffman, John + Lasky, Dick
Baker, Kimberly (4.6) Columbia Golf & Country Club
10:00 AM 1A White-W Budelman, Barbara + Schiek, Penny
Bates, Robert (5.5) Radisson Greens Golf Club
10:00 AM 7 Gold-M Dolan, Patrick + Obernesser, Jim + Stevens, Ed
Becker, Fred (16.7) Rainbow Golf Club
10:00 AM 14A Gold-M Flynn, Roger + Kinn, Brian + Ryder, David
Bermejo, Carlos (21.2) Leatherstocking Golf Course
10:00 AM 13 Green Compton, Mark + Payst, Robert + Smith, john
Birnbaum, Jane (29.3) Columbia Golf & Country Club
10:00 AM 5B White-W Finley, Judith + Perlman, Laura
Bordis, Jim (15.7) Fox Run Golf Club
10:00 AM 11A Gold-M Addy, Jack + Giuffre, Gus + Sherer, Gregory
Borel, John (25.9) Orchard Creek Golf Club
10:00 AM 4A Gold-M Catchpole, Tom + Walkanowski, Stan
Brooks, Nick (1.4) Colonie Golf & Country Club
10:00 AM 18A Green Smith, David + Wailes, David
Budelman, Barbara (13.5) Columbia Golf & Country Club
10:00 AM 1A White-W Baker, Kimberly + Schiek, Penny
Carinci, Jerry (9.1) Van Patten Golf Club
10:00 AM 1B Gold-M Dougherty, Pete + Preston, Bob
Catchpole, Tom (24.3) Western Turnpike Golf Club
10:00 AM 4A Gold-M Borel, John + Walkanowski, Stan
Chambers, Neil (9.5) Schenectady Municipal Golf
10:00 AM 10A Gold-M Christian, George + Franz, John + Secor, Bruce
Christian, George (8.1) Pinehaven Country Club
10:00 AM 10A Gold-M Chambers, Neil + Franz, John + Secor, Bruce
Christian, Mark (17.1) Empire Golf Club
10:00 AM 10B Gold-M Schollenberger, Bill + Zalucky, Jay + Zalucky, Robert
Collins, Wes (18.5) Canajoharie G&CC
10:00 AM 8A Gold-M Hickey, Ray + Jurusik, Donald + Unger, Harris
Compton, Mark (4.5) NYSGA eClub - Capital District
10:00 AM 13 Green Bermejo, Carlos + Payst, Robert + Smith, john
Craig, John (11.0) McCann Golf Course
10:00 AM 9 Gold-M Hansen, Emil + Hilaire, James + Serge, Steven
Dolan, Patrick (12.6) Radisson Greens Golf Club
10:00 AM 7 Gold-M Bates, Robert + Obernesser, Jim + Stevens, Ed
Dougherty, Pete (26.1) NYSGA eClub - Capital District
10:00 AM 1B Gold-M Carinci, Jerry + Preston, Bob
Ernst, John (11.9) Hiland Golf Club
10:00 AM 17B Gold-M Anzalone, Ron + Hatch, Robert + Moore, Kevin
Finley, Judith (25.1) Columbia Golf & Country Club
10:00 AM 5B White-W Birnbaum, Jane + Perlman, Laura
Flynn, Roger (8.8) Airway Meadows Golf Club
10:00 AM 14A Gold-M Becker, Fred + Kinn, Brian + Ryder, David
Franz, John (13.8) Beaver Meadows Golf Club
10:00 AM 10A Gold-M Chambers, Neil + Christian, George + Secor, Bruce
Giuffre, Gus (13.6) Capital Hills at Albany
10:00 AM 11A Gold-M Addy, Jack + Bordis, Jim + Sherer, Gregory
Gray, David (11.7) Pinehaven Country Club
10:00 AM 11B Gold-M Mannix, James + Potts, David + Schultz, Bill
Graziano, Joseph (5.9) Capital Hills at Albany
10:00 AM 12 Green Graziano, Sal + Przybylowicz, Andrew + Rocco, Frank
Graziano, Sal (13.0) Capital Hills at Albany
10:00 AM 12 Gold-M Graziano, Joseph + Przybylowicz, Andrew + Rocco, Frank
Hansen, Emil (10.0) Sidney Golf & CC
10:00 AM 9 Gold-M Craig, John + Hilaire, James + Serge, Steven
Hatch, Robert (5.7) Glens Falls Country Club
10:00 AM 17B Gold-M Anzalone, Ron + Ernst, John + Moore, Kevin
Hickey, Ray (21.2) NYSGA eClub - Capital District
10:00 AM 8A Gold-M Collins, Wes + Jurusik, Donald + Unger, Harris
Hilaire, James (10.4) McCann Golf Course
10:00 AM 9 Gold-M Craig, John + Hansen, Emil + Serge, Steven
Hoffman, John (13.7) NYSGA eClub - Capital District
10:00 AM 17A Gold-M Bailey, Doug + Lasky, Dick
Jurusik, Donald (22.2) NYSGA eClub - Capital District
10:00 AM 8A Gold-M Collins, Wes + Hickey, Ray + Unger, Harris
Kennedy, Kenneth (21.5) Western Turnpike Golf Club
10:00 AM 8B Gold-M Leonard, James + Lewis, Teddy + Shutts, Wayne
Kinn, Brian (11.3) Rainbow Golf Club
10:00 AM 14A Gold-M Becker, Fred + Flynn, Roger + Ryder, David
Kunz, Sandra (30.0) Airway Meadows Golf Club
10:00 AM 5A White-W Oswald, Jane + Zaretzki, Andrea
Lasky, Dick (12.2) Van Patten Golf Club
10:00 AM 17A Gold-M Bailey, Doug + Hoffman, John
Leonard, James (5.9) Pinehaven Country Club
10:00 AM 8B Gold-M Kennedy, Kenneth + Lewis, Teddy + Shutts, Wayne
Lewis, Teddy (18.4) NYSGA eClub - Capital District
10:00 AM 8B Gold-M Kennedy, Kenneth + Leonard, James + Shutts, Wayne
Lucas, Peter (12.9) Cobleskill Golf and CC
10:00 AM 16 Green Nichols, Bill + Scibelli, Lawrence + Walsh, Dan
Mannix, James (11.4) Van Schaick Island CC
10:00 AM 11B Gold-M Gray, David + Potts, David + Schultz, Bill
McCoy, Kevin (15.2) NYSGA eClub - Central NY
10:00 AM 14B Green Murphy, Bryan + Ragone, Brien + Sniezyk, John
McGrath, Justin (16.9) NYSGA eClub - Capital District
10:00 AM 15 Green Nero, James + Nero, Tom + Smith, Robert
Menzel, terrill (9.6) Country Club of Troy
10:00 AM 6 Gold-M Amyot, Tom + Rogers, Geoff + Wilkes, Paul
Moore, Kevin (12.8) Pinehaven Country Club
10:00 AM 17B Green Anzalone, Ron + Ernst, John + Hatch, Robert
Murphy, Bryan (9.1) NYSGA eClub - Capital District
10:00 AM 14B Green McCoy, Kevin + Ragone, Brien + Sniezyk, John
Nero, James (5.2) Burden Lake Country Club
10:00 AM 15 Green McGrath, Justin + Nero, Tom + Smith, Robert
Nero, Tom (9.4) Burden Lake Country Club
10:00 AM 15 Gold-M McGrath, Justin + Nero, James + Smith, Robert
Nichols, Bill (13.8) Town of Colonie Golf Club
10:00 AM 16 Green Lucas, Peter + Scibelli, Lawrence + Walsh, Dan
Obernesser, Jim (11.8) Radisson Greens Golf Club
10:00 AM 7 Green Bates, Robert + Dolan, Patrick + Stevens, Ed
Okeefe, Timothy (9.7) NYSGA eClub - Capital District
10:00 AM 18B Gold-M Rickert, Mark + Soltis, David
Oswald, Jane (29.1) Town of Colonie Golf Club
10:00 AM 5A White-W Kunz, Sandra + Zaretzki, Andrea
Payst, Robert (16.0) NYSGA eClub - Capital District
10:00 AM 13 Green Bermejo, Carlos + Compton, Mark + Smith, john
Perlman, Laura (25.9) Columbia Golf & Country Club
10:00 AM 5B White-W Birnbaum, Jane + Finley, Judith
Potts, David (13.7) Empire Golf Club
10:00 AM 11B Gold-M Gray, David + Mannix, James + Schultz, Bill
Preston, Bob (14.0) Van Patten Golf Club
10:00 AM 1B Gold-M Carinci, Jerry + Dougherty, Pete
Przybylowicz, Andrew (17.0) Empire Golf Club
10:00 AM 12 Gold-M Graziano, Joseph + Graziano, Sal + Rocco, Frank
Ragone, Brien (14.0) Schenectady Municipal Golf
10:00 AM 14B Green McCoy, Kevin + Murphy, Bryan + Sniezyk, John
Rickert, Mark (12.9) Town of Colonie Golf Club
10:00 AM 18B Gold-M Okeefe, Timothy + Soltis, David
Rocco, Frank (7.3) Capital Hills at Albany
10:00 AM 12 Gold-M Graziano, Joseph + Graziano, Sal + Przybylowicz, Andrew
Rogers, Geoff (6.3) Eagle Crest Golf Club
10:00 AM 6 Gold-M Amyot, Tom + Menzel, terrill + Wilkes, Paul
Ryder, David (6.5) NYSGA eClub - Capital District
10:00 AM 14A Gold-M Becker, Fred + Flynn, Roger + Kinn, Brian
Schiek, Penny (5.4) Hiland Golf Club
10:00 AM 1A White-W Baker, Kimberly + Budelman, Barbara
Schollenberger, Bill (7.8) Capital Hills at Albany
10:00 AM 10B Green Christian, Mark + Zalucky, Jay + Zalucky, Robert
Schultz, Bill (24.5) NYSGA eClub - Capital District
10:00 AM 11B Gold-M Gray, David + Mannix, James + Potts, David
Scibelli, Lawrence (9.3) NYSGA eClub - Capital District
10:00 AM 16 Green Lucas, Peter + Nichols, Bill + Walsh, Dan
Secor, Bruce (17.5) NYSGA eClub - Capital District
10:00 AM 10A Gold-M Chambers, Neil + Christian, George + Franz, John
Serge, Steven (10.5) NYSGA eClub - Capital District
10:00 AM 9 Gold-M Craig, John + Hansen, Emil + Hilaire, James
Sherer, Gregory (10.0) NYSGA eClub - Southern Tier
10:00 AM 11A Gold-M Addy, Jack + Bordis, Jim + Giuffre, Gus
Shutts, Wayne (10.1) NYSGA eClub - Capital District
10:00 AM 8B Gold-M Kennedy, Kenneth + Leonard, James + Lewis, Teddy
Smith, David (2.4) Van Schaick Island CC
10:00 AM 18A Green Brooks, Nick + Wailes, David
Smith, Robert (12.2) Cobleskill Golf and CC
10:00 AM 15 Gold-M McGrath, Justin + Nero, James + Nero, Tom
Smith, john (4.4) Edison Club
10:00 AM 13 Green Bermejo, Carlos + Compton, Mark + Payst, Robert
Sniezyk, John (16.9) Burden Lake Country Club
10:00 AM 14B Green McCoy, Kevin + Murphy, Bryan + Ragone, Brien
Soltis, David (8.6) Traditions at the Glen
10:00 AM 18B Gold-M Okeefe, Timothy + Rickert, Mark
Stevens, Ed (17.3) Radisson Greens Golf Club
10:00 AM 7 Gold-M Bates, Robert + Dolan, Patrick + Obernesser, Jim
Unger, Harris (24.0) NYSGA eClub - Capital District
10:00 AM 8A Gold-M Collins, Wes + Hickey, Ray + Jurusik, Donald
Wailes, David (2.6) NYSGA eClub - Central NY
10:00 AM 18A Green Brooks, Nick + Smith, David
Walkanowski, Stan (23.6) Ballston Spa Country Club
10:00 AM 4A Gold-M Borel, John + Catchpole, Tom
Walsh, Dan (3.1) Eagle Crest Golf Club
10:00 AM 16 Green Lucas, Peter + Nichols, Bill + Scibelli, Lawrence
Wilkes, Paul (13.3) NYSGA eClub - Capital District
10:00 AM 6 Gold-M Amyot, Tom + Menzel, terrill + Rogers, Geoff
Zalucky, Jay (11.5) Burden Lake Country Club
10:00 AM 10B Green Christian, Mark + Schollenberger, Bill + Zalucky, Robert
Zalucky, Robert (11.1) Burden Lake Country Club
10:00 AM 10B Gold-M Christian, Mark + Schollenberger, Bill + Zalucky, Jay
Zaretzki, Andrea (24.9) Town of Colonie Golf Club
10:00 AM 5A White-W Kunz, Sandra + Oswald, Jane